A Potential Mitochondrial Link Between Life Stress and the Reversibility of Hair Greying in Humans

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Marin PicardDrMartin PicardAssociate professor of behavioral medicine at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, USA will be joining the Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Congress and give a presentation entitled "A Potential Mitochondrial Link Between Life Stress and the Reversibility of Hair Greying in Humans".

Life stress causes neuroendocrine and metabolic alterations that influence mitochondria; and in turn, mitochondria produce signals and energy that influence pigment production that color our hairs. This presentation will describe a new approach to quantify human hair pigmentation patterns, demonstrating that human hair graying is rapidly reversible and linked to life stress. Individual hairs transitioning from their young-dark to old-white states, and reverting back to dark, show specific mitochondrial proteomic recalibrations pointing to a threshold-based metabolic mechanism for hair greying.

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Congress
October 27-29, 2021 - Berlin & Virtual Congress

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