World Mitochondria Society 2024 Keynote Speaker Day 2: Prof. Howy Jacobs

Howy JacobsIt is with great pleasure that we welcome Prof. Howy Jacobs from Tampere University, Finland, as a keynote speaker on Day 2 at Targeting Mitochondria 2024 in Berlin this October. 

Prof. Jacobs has documented "A century of mitochondrial research, 1922–2022" in the Enzymes Book Series (2023). The chapter discussed the comprehensive research history of mitochondria, starting from their initial recognition as resembling bacteria in 1922, to their integration into cell physiology today, highlighting major advances in various scientific fields such as biochemistry, genetics, pathology, and cell biology.

Keynote Speech: "Mitochondria: More Heat Than Light?"

"Mitochondria are not just producers of ATP or clearing houses of intermediary metabolism. Here I will trace the history of how mitochondria have come to be regarded as key contributors to cell and organismal physiology, and how recent findings have opened up new chapters in our thinking" stated Prof. Jacobs.

Prof. Jacobs will discuss the implications of elevated mitochondrial temperature for evolution, development, cell signaling, immunity and pathology.

© Photo Credits: Rami Hanafi 

World Mitochondria Society 
Annual World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria
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