Cracking the Code of Aging: Exploring Mitochondrial Dynamics and Organelle Connections
It is a great pleasure to welcome Dr. Antentor Hinton, Vanderbilt University, USA, at Targeting Mitochondria 2024 this October in Berlin.
Presentation title: Cracking the Code of Aging: Exploring Mitochondrial Dynamics and Organelle Connections.
- Overview of the current understanding regarding mitochondrial structural changes during aging.
- Summary of the altered structural changes that occur with age in cristae architecture and their impact on mitochondrial calcium signaling.
- Implications of how aging modifies organelle contact communication.
- Illustration of how the MICOS (mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system) complex influences physiology and metabolism throughout the aging process.
More information on Dr. Hinton's latest research.
World Mitochondria Society
Annual World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria
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