Repairing Marginal Kidneys With Mitochondrial Transplantation: A New Powerful Tissue Engineering Tool That Will Change the Transplant Landscape

Dr. OrlandoDr. Giuseppe Orlando, Wake Forest University, USA, will join the Targeting Mitochondria 2023 Congress and give a presentation entitled "Repairing Marginal Kidneys With Mitochondrial Transplantation: A New Powerful Tissue Engineering Tool That Will Change the Transplant Landscape".

The lecture will illustrate the state of the art of kidney transplantation and the role that mitochondrial transplantation will have in increasing the donor pool. 

It is predicted that mitochondrial medicine will dramatically increase the number of transplantable organs by offering a valuable technology that will enable transplantation to repair marginal allografts. The organ preservation and repair platform should therefore be seen by the mitochondrial society as a formidable platform offered by transplant medicine for the application of mitochondria-based technologies

Join Targeting Mitochondria 2023 to learn more about Dr. Orlando's exciting talk. Read more about Dr. Orlando's latest promising findings.

Targeting Mitochondria 2023 Congress
October 11-13, 2023 - Berlin, Germany

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