Best Poster Presentation Awards 2021

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19 Posters were presented during Targeting Mitochondria 2021 (held on October 27-29 2021).


Nominated Posters for the Awards of the Best Poster Presentation 2021:

Using Polypeptide-Based Nanoconjugates as Mitochondrially-Targeted Drug Delivery Platforms
Camilla Pegoraro, Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe, Spain

Disease Causing-MFN2 Mutations Alter Mitochondrial Fusion and Fission Dynamics in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast
Daniel Lagos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

The Mitochondrial Network is Altered in Friedreich’s Ataxia Cardiomyopathy
Bojjibabu Chidipi, University of South Florida, United States of America

The Mitochondrial NME6 Protein is Enzymatically Inactive but Interacts with RCC1L (WBSCR16) in the Matrix Space
Bastien Proust, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Croatia

Functional Characterization of Platelet-Derived Mitochondria-Containing Microparticles in Breast Cancer
Vanessa Veilleux, Université de Moncton, Canada

OPA1 Disease-Causing Mutants Alter Mitochondrial Nucleoid Dynamics
Josefa Macuada, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile



The winners of the Best Poster Presentation Awards - Targeting Mitochondria 2021

Award #1: 

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Vanessa Veilleux AwardFunctional Characterization of Platelet-Derived Mitochondria-Containing Microparticles in Breast Cancer, Vanessa Veilleux, Université de Moncton, Canada

"Participating at this international conference was a great experience and broaden my knowledge of mitochondrial research. Having the desire and the deep ambition to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge, I’m looking forward to the next Targeting Mitochondria"

  Award #2: 

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Camilla Pegoraro AwardUsing Polypeptide-Based Nanoconjugates as Mitochondrially-Targeted Drug Delivery Platforms, Camilla Pegoraro, Centro de Investigacion Principe Felipe, Spain

“My Ph.D. project aims to develop novel polypeptide-based carriers that permit targeted drug delivery to mitochondria as a novel breast cancer treatment strategy. We successfully developed several cationic polypeptide-based candidate carriers, and our preliminary results have provided robust evidence for specific mitochondrial colocalization. Our next steps involve the conjugation of bioactive agents of interest to our candidate polypeptide-based carriers, their exhaustive characterization, and their therapeutic evaluation in relevant breast cancer models and possibly other indications.”

 Award #3: 

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Chidipi AwardThe Mitochondrial Network is Altered in Friedreich’s Ataxia Cardiomyopathy, Bojjibabu Chidipi, University of South Florida, United States of America

"I am currently investigating the mechanisms of cardiomyopathy in Friedreich’s ataxia (FA), an autosomal recessive congenital neurodegenerative disease caused by a deficiency in the frataxin protein. Interestingly, most FA patients are diagnosed with left ventricular hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), and 60% of patients die with HCM. We recently found that the mitochondrial fission protein (DRP1) expression is significantly decreased, reactive oxygen species are increased, and the mitochondrial membrane potential is depolarized in human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hIPSC-CM) from patients with FA-HCM. My future prospects are to explore the mechanistic links between DRP1, mitochondrial dysfunction and HCM in FA."


Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Congress
October 27-29, 2021 - Interactive Online Congress

Mitochondria in the Press & Media

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