Programmable Synthetic Gene Switches for Mitochondrial Gene Modulation

Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Ganesh-Pandian-NamasivayamProf. Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam from Kyoto University, Institute for Advanced Study, Japan, will join the Targeting Mitochondria 2021 congress and will present his research on "Deleting DNA to Treat Mitochondrial Diseases".

According to his latest studies, mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cause mitochondrial diseases characterized by abnormal mitochondrial function. Although eliminating mutated mtDNA has the potential to cure mitochondrial diseases, no chemical-based drugs in clinical trials are capable of selective modulation of mtDNA mutations. In his presentation, Prof. Ganesh discusses the progress and therapeutic prospects of  synthetic gene switches that can be programmed for targeted elimination of mutated mtDNA through sequence-specific adenine alkylation.


Targeting Mitochondria 2021 Congress
October 27-29, 2021 - Berlin & Virtual Congress

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