KLOX Technologies Inc. awarded during Targeting Mitochondria 2019

During Targeting Mitochondria 2019, KLOX Technologies Inc. have received the Innovation Award for their study on the assessment of the effect of Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE) on mitochondria dynamics. 




The Scientific Committee thanks KLOX Technologies Inc. for their talk entitled "Effects of fluorescent light energy on mitochondria dynamics" presented during Targeting Mitochondria 2019. Their study showed that FLE decreased total mitochondria number and increased single mitochondria volume, likely due to fusion events that reversed "small sphere" mitochondria and restored the mitochondria network (morphology) to a complex, branched network.

Testimonial of Dr. Michela Zago, Manager and Senior Research Associate of KLOX Technologies Inc.:

"Our team at Klox Technologies was particularly excited about attending this Congress as its focus is well in line with our effort to target distressed mitochondria using our Fluorescent Light Energy Biomodulation technology. Klox was impressed by the quality of the speakers and the depth of the topics as well as humbled by the receipt of the 2019 Innovation Award"

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For media information
Media center: World Mitochondria Society 
Contact: www.targeting-mitochondria.com

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