Microbiota-Mitochondria Intertalk: A Dedicated session

Tal-Yardeni-Mitochondria-SpeakersDuring the Targeting Mitochondria, a session will be chaired by Prof. Marvin Edeas, University Paris Descartes, INSERM U1016, France, concerning the hot topics 2019: Microbiota-Mitochondria Intertalk.

Two Talks will be presented during this dedicated session: 

Mitochondria & Microbiota Inter-talk: Gut Microbiota inflence Mitochondria activity in patients
Marvin Edeas, University Paris Descartes, INSERM U1016, France

Host mitochondria influence gut microbiome diversity: A role for ROS
Tal Yardeni,
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA

Summary of Dr. Yardeni's presentation: "Changes in the gut microbiome are linked with the same diseases as those caused by changes in the mitochondrial genome. To investigate why, we tested the gut microbiome community of our mitochondrial mouse models. These studies reveal that the host mitochondrial ROS production influences the gut microbiome community. Our data suggest that mitochondrial function modulates both ROS production and the microbiome, implying that the connection between the gut microbiome and common disease might be due to changes in mitochondrial function."

For more information about Targeting Mitochondria 2019: https://targeting-mitochondria.com

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