What about skin photoprotection, UV-mediated damage and mitochondria?
Volkmar Weissig and Marvin Edeas invited Dr Olivier Reelfs from the University of Bath, United Kingdom to give a presentation about a powerful mitochondria-targeted iron chelator affords high photoprotection against solar UVA radiation.
During his presentation, Dr Reelfs will answer the following questions:
- What is the impact of mitochondrial iron in solar UV-mediated damage?
- What is the impact of mitochondria-targeted iron chelator for skin photoprotection?
- What does our mitochondria-targeted iron sensors say about mitochondrial iron overload disease?
If you are interested to know more about skin photoprotection, Uv-mediated damage and mitochondria, don't hesitate to register for Targeting Mitochondria World Congress on www.targeting-mitochondria.com
Marvin Edeas / Volkmar Weissig / Chairmen of WMS