Pr M.W. Anders

Pr M.W. Anders

The Scientific Committee of Targeting Mitochondria 2011 is honoured to welcoming Pr M.W. Anders as speaker for the 2nd edition of Targeting Mitochondria 2011, which will be held in Berlin in October 20 & 21, 2011. 

Pr M.W. Anders will talk about Exploiting Endobiotic Metabolic Pathways to Target Xenobiotic Antioxidants to Mitochondria.

Dr. Anders received his D.V.M. degree from Iowa State University and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota. He has held faculty positions at Cornell University, University of Minnesota, and University of Rochester.

He is presently Professor and Chair Emeritus of the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology.   


Pr. Anders’s research interests are focused on the biotransformation and bioactivation of xenobiotics and on the mitochondrial targeting of therapeutic agents.

For further information about his presentation, please visit

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