The Future of Medicine will come through Mitochondria

Prof. Volkmar WeissigWe are excited to invite you to the 16th World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria, happening from October 22–24, 2025, in Berlin.

Organized by the World Mitochondria Society, this annual event brings together top experts in mitochondrial research and medicine to share new discoveries and ideas in mitochondrial therapy, gene treatment, and mitochondrial transplantation.


The award for the short oral presentation was discerned to François Mouton-Liger

At the end of Targeting Mitochondria World Congress, Pr Volkmar Weissig and Pr Marvin Edeas awarded two scientists for their research. Among them:

Francois-Mouton-Liger Award Targeting Mitochondria 2016

François Mouton-Liger from the ICM - Brain & Spine Institute, France for his short oral presentation about "Role of Parkin in innate immunity: crosstalk between mitochondrial dysfunction and NLRP3 inflammasome signaling".



Testimonial by Dr Mouton-Liger: "Understanding mechanisms by which mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to the pathophysiological processes of neurodegenerative disorder, in particular Parkinson disease, will need in the future an integrated vision of all mitochondrial aspects from emerging methods to evaluate mitochondria function to new molecular interactions link to this organelle. By this way, the 7th World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria was, for me, a huge success by connecting remarkable researchers from such different area of the field, For these reasons, it will be a great pleasure for me to participate to this conference next year."


The second award was discerned to Daniel Schniertshauer from the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences, Germany for his poster presentation about "Accelerated Regeneration of ATP Level after Irradiation in Human Skin Fibroblasts by Coenzyme Q10". 

For more information about this award, please click here.

World Mitochondria Society

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