Concluding Remarks 2021

The 12th edition of our World Conference series about Targeting Mitochondria is history. This was the second virtual conference in a row and as President of the WMS I am extremely happy to express my strong belief that our annual conference series has survived the pandemic. I consider both of our online conferences as a big success, even though the number of participants has declined slightly, for understandable reasons, I think. I see two major elements which kept us going.

First, the founder of our society and chairman of the scientific committee, Prof. Marvin Edeas and his outstanding team in Paris put in tremendous efforts into organizing these two virtual conferences. As WMS President, we are extremely grateful to all our team, without them, I would not be in the position of having the pleasure right now to write these Concluding Remarks.

Second, I would like to re-iterate what I wrote a few years ago, namely that each scientific conference can only be as good as its speakers. I cannot emphasize enough how much I value the loyalty shown by so many speakers and participants to our conference series. Because of all of you “Targeting Mitochondria” every year in October in Berlin has become, if may dare saying so, a “Landmark” in the field of Mitochondrial Medicine.

Last but not least I would like to express my appreciation of all new speakers and participants for having attended our conference.

I truly hope you have not been disappointed and consider joining us again when we meet next year in Berlin in person!



Targeting Mitochondria 2021-Volkmar-Weissig Prof. Volkmar Weissig
President of the World Mitochondria Society
Midwestern University, USA

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