Mitochondrial Transplantation: From Skeletal Muscle Atrophy to Human Clinical Advances and Perspectives

Mitochondrial Transplantation: From Skeletal Muscle Atrophy to Human Clinical Advances and Perspectives

Gökhan Burçin Kubat, Gulhane Health Sciences Institute, University of Health Sciences, Turkey

Presentation Summary

Mitochondrial transplantation has been shown to prevent skeletal muscle atrophy and, when combined with exercise, can significantly enhance muscle function. It has also been demonstrated to accelerate human wound healing.

This presentation will cover its role in skeletal muscle atrophy and recent human clinical advances, including human study on mitochondrial transplantation for wound healing. Dr. Kubat will discuss its potential to enhance tissue regeneration, improve recovery, and its future applications in clinical medicine.

About Dr. Kubat

Gökhan Burçin Kubat currently serves as a Unit Manager in the Department of Mitochondria and Cellular Research, Gulhane Health Sciences Institute, University of Health Sciences, Turkey. He also attended the "Molecular Diagnostic Practicum" training at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA, and worked in the field of molecular pathology. He has contributed to research in mitochondrial transplantation and mitochondrial biogenesis with 10 peer reviewed publications, including in the Journal Molecular Medicine, Mitochondrion, Life Sciences, Biochimie, Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy and Turk J Sports Med.

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