Welcome Note & Introduction Remarks Volkmar Weissig, President of the World Mitochondria Society, Midwestern University, USA
FBXL4 Deficiency leads to increased clearance of Mitochondria Nils-Göran Larsson, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Roles for mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease Benedict C. Albensi, Max Rady College of Medicine - University of Manitoba, Canada |
Control of cellular bioenergetics by cytosolic calcium Franck Norbert Gellerich, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany

The Cell-free respiratory competent mitochondria in blood: Strategic role and application Alain Thierry, Montpellier Cancer Research Institute, INSERM, France
Mitochondria devices: New methods to detect mitochondria dysfunction Naïg Gueguen, MitoVasc Institute, Angers University Hospital Center, France
Down Syndrome: Role of hydrogen sulfide overproduction in the pathogenesis of mitochondrial dysfunction Csaba Szabo, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland |
Enhanced axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination offers neuroprotection: implications for multiple sclerosis Don Mahad, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |

Mitochondrial dysfunction in autism is distinct from mitochondrial disease Richard E. Frye, Phoenix Children's Hospital, USA
Mitochondria and microbiota dysfunction in COVID-19 pathogenesis Marvin Edeas, University Paris Descartes, Inserm 1016, Institute Cochin, France
Neurodegeneration and mitochondria Ming Guo, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, USA
Variety of non-coding RNA imported and encoded in mitochondria Eric Barrey, University Paris-Saclay, INRAE, AgroParisTech, France
Molecular mechanisms of ncRNAs transport into mitochondria: emerging approaches and potential gene therapy applications Nina Entelis, UNISTRA, France
Long non-coding RNA SAMMSON and beyond: Uncoupling cytosolic and mitochondrial-translation as an effective anti-melanoma strategy Eleonora Leucci, Laboratory for RNA Cancer Biology, Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Belgium
Targeting long non-coding mitochondrial RNA for cancer therapy Veronica Burzio, Universidad Andrés Bello, Fundación Ciencia & Vida, Andes Biotechnologies, Republic of Chile
Round table: Prospective on other mitochondrial gene therapies moderated by Ivan Tarassov, UNISTRA, Strasbourg, France
Mitochondrial disease community registry (MDCR): Perspectives from patients and families, lessons learned from the data Sophia Zilber, Boston, USA |