Targeting Giant Mitochondria (Megamitochondria) in Human Liver Disease: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions

Elena PalmaIt is a great pleasure to welcome Dr. Elena Palma, King's College London, United Kingdom, at Targeting Mitochondria 2024 this October in Berlin. 

Presentation title: Targeting Giant Mitochondria (Megamitochondria) in Human Liver Disease: Potential Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions.

Key Points

About Elena Palma

One of Dr. Palma's interests is developing ex vivo experimental models to study liver diseases and malignancies, using dynamic cultures of human precision-cut tissue slices.

Her research investigates the role of mitochondria in the pathogenesis and progression of Alcohol-related liver diseases with the final aim to target these organelles for therapeutic purposes.

WMS 2024 Speakers Lineup. 

World Mitochondria Society 
Annual World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria
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