Targeting Mitochondria Scientific Contribution Award 2017 for Prof. Vladimir Gogvadze

Vladimir GogvadzeThe Scientific Committee of Targeting Mitochondria World Congress 2017, chaired by Prof. Marvin Edeas and Prof. Volkmar Weissig awarded Prof. Vladimir Gogvadze, from Karolinska Institute, Sweden, for his scientific contribution in mitochondria field.

Prof. Gogvadze's talk focused on the role of mitochondria as a switchboard between various cell death modalities, namely, necrosis, apoptosis, necroptosis and autophagy.

Investigation of different forms of cell death has become an important area of biomedical research. Recently, several cell death modalities, in addition to necrosis and apoptosis, have been described and characterized based on morphological and biochemical criteria. The interaction between the different forms of cell death is complex and is still a matter of debate. Recently, the mitochondria have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in the effectuation of several cell death modalities, although the precise mechanisms of their involvement are still unclear.

Testimonial of Prof. Gogvadze: "Today the significance of mitochondrial research is more important than ever. As Prof. Gottfried Schatz mentioned 10 years ago “Today almost every disease seems to have some mitochondrial angle, be it diabetes, deafness, blindness, muscular dystrophy, cancer, premature aging, dementia, male infertility, or even some bacterial infections”. Since then, the involvement of mitochondria in the etiology of various diseases has been confirmed repeatedly, and new data have been obtained on the possibility of combating various pathologies by targeting mitochondria. 

Without a doubt, the 8th symposium on Targeting mitochondria was successful in all respects. About 300 scientists involved in the mitochondrial research were gathered in Berlin not only to tell about their achievements, but also to hear about the achievements of their colleagues. It is gratifying to note that the interest to this event did not fade during all the years of its existence. Vivid discussion, interesting and stimulating presentations, the possibility to look at your own work from different angle, attract scientists from all over the world to Berlin. The Symposium outlined new directions, in which mitochondria play a dominant role, underlined the importance of mitochondria for therapy, and offered new methods for studying these organelles."

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