Targeting Mitochondria Committees thank Supporters

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Why Support Targeting Mitochondria 2012?

An opportunity to introduce your company

Targeting Mitochondria 2012 offer you the possibility to make known and promote your company, its goods and services. Several means are available to communicate to a large public: to have your logo in all communication supports (abstract book and website), to have exhibition stand at the conference...

An opportunity to develop your knowledge

Targeting Mitochondria 2012 congress is perfect opportunity to continue and ensure your technology watch: academics, officials and managers from different companies will be there to present their latest advance and their potential applications. This is the best way for you to build new product ideas, or to be aware of the latest changes in regulations or scientific advances.

A place to meet your partners

During those two days of Targeting Mitochondria 2012 congress you will have the time to discuss with your partners, to know their own vision of the future, and what they think about new products or new ingredients. To be in touch with you suppliers and retailers is the best way to maintain your network and have an idea of what the future of your market will be before everyone.

A moment to grow your network: the Network Session

During Targeting Mitochondria 2012 congress, industrials and academics from all countries and specialties come to listen and learn more about their subject. It is a perfect moment to meet people who can bring you new opportunities, or help you to solve a problem. As shown on the graphic below, you can get in touch with manager as well from Marketing or R&D department.

A tailored network session is organized for companies and sponsors, who can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows cannot deliver.

A time to know more about your competitors

During Targeting Mitochondria 2012 congress you can hear and meet your partners but also your competitors. They could be sponsors, but also speakers or attendees. You will be able to discuss with them, to compare your products and to have a picture of their goals and targets.

Targeting Mitochondria 2012 will be an excellent platform to initiate news business relationships with companies looking to source the latest innovations, perspectives and visions on Targeting Mitochondria and Sirtuins. With tailored networking, sponsors can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows cannot deliver.

If you are interested by sponsoring Targeting Mitochondria 2012, please find here the opportunities to support us .


Among Targeting Mitochondria Sponsors 2011

NinapharmLogo_1  seahorse-large


  logo_enzo_lifesciences_cmyk_pos_a3_kopie    logo_SkQ  Myltenyi_Logo_2


AbcamLogo         Luxcel_logo

logo_ICDD  OROBOROS_Logo_compact-redim    logo_world_with_noxygen